DOC WHITE’S BEST comprises an independent second set of articles. More will be added to the list below as time permits. Doc has been writing since the 60’s and has published many articles in sporting magazines under his own name and a pseudonym during that time. The best, most informative and most entertaining of those articles will appear here. Just click on the title to get to the article you want to see.
Book Cliffs Buck– mule deer in the Book Cliffs of Utah
Sitting In The Mud– Mountain caribou and moose in the wilds of near Arctic Canada
Roger And The Red Bear– Doc and Roger hunt Bear on the Ute reservation
Last Minute Whitetail– The hunt is never over until the hunt’s over!
The Second Biggest Buffalo in the World– new #1 Muzzleloader Asian Buffalo
The Rifled Musket– hunting with grandad’s old musket
Nilgai With A BobCat– Hunting the tough Nilgai antelope with a muzzleloading pistol
Round Balls In Fast Twist Rifles– great for target, plinking and small game.
Exitement is named Rodger Raglin– A hunt for Whitetail with Rodger
Sighting In– how to sight in your muzzleloading rifle
Effecitve Long Range Muzzleloading- by Bob McKay
Turkey hunting, Primitive style- a tongue in cheek primitive adventure.
Katie– a Bear for the Doc
How Not To Kill A Record Book Muskox– the title says it all.
Shooting Flying– learn to shoot a flint and you can shoot anything.
White Fallow Deer, or, ‘to be a good shot, shoot a lot’
The Flintlock– adventures with Doc’s beloved flintlock
Let’s Kill Roger Reglan– making video’s is not hunting!
South Africa 2004– Seven animals in 9 shots
Chistochena Moose– First hunt with a White SuperSlug -1972
Foggy Bear on Cooper’s Mountain– black bear in Alaska with a 450-3 1/4 double rifle.
Blue Mountain Buck– A 1974 hunt with a Gemmer-Springfeild 45/70
Turkey for two– hunting for turkey in New Mexico
The Dumbest Turkey in the World – The tom that snuck in- or me?
Designing for Accuracy– The evolution of ultimate accuracy in the White System